15 Sep Wake up to Healthy Change
Here are a few ideas that are time tested for starting out your day. Even a few of these practices, ritualized into a daily routine, will help you to better enjoy your day.
1 If you are like me, you probably feel a little groggy in the morning. This effect can really hang you up if you don’t get past it soon. Some people call it the inertia of sleep. Change your wake up buzzer to something a little more pleasant. If it is dark when you awake, maybe a color bar would be helpful in a gradual way to return to attentiveness without the harness of a buzzer. Nature sound are also a good way to wake up gently
2 Open the Windows. Let some sunshine in! Natural light is a wonderful way to wake up and shake off the groggy feeling. This will also help your body recognize it is time to get cracking – you’ll be more alert. And, there’s more! Some studies suggest that if you experience natural light when you wake up in the morning, you’ll likely feel sleepier come bedtime, making it easier to fall asleep. Keep in mind that if you can swing it – get outside to feel the sun and light, even if it is just in the backyard. A brief walk would be even better!
3 Eat something Nutritious. A balanced breakfast that has a healthy dose of protein will energize you for the entire day. Having a satisfied stomach “feel” is also a benefit. Don’t forget that nuts, fruits and whole grains, veggies will likely give you a helpful boost. This is a great time to start your hydration for the day, too! Try to savor your tea, coffee or even water, being mindful as you sip. This will help you pace yourself instead of hustling out the door.
4 You’ve got to Move it, Move it.
A good couple of minutes stretching out in the morning can make a world of difference in your day. We are rather “tight” when we wake up and to ease your muscles into the day, some stretching will help get you limbered up and less likely to feel sluggish. The idea of exercising when you get up might not seem reasonable to you, but if you try it you’ll see that your blood flow will improve, and this will help your brain to operate more optimally. Look for improvements throughout the day in your memory, alertness and decision-making ability. Some ways to make it easier on you include walking the dog, biking a few blocks, doing some yoga, maybe pull a few weeds or garden a bit.
5 Get Some Stuff Done
Do you have a to-do list you work off on a regular basis? Getting some things crossed off the list can be helpful in stimulating you physically. Little things like taking out the trash, sweeping the deck or emptying the dishwasher can give you a sense of being productive, and it will ease up on what is required later in the day.
6 Meditate or Write in your Diary
Set your intention for the day by taking a little time to meditate or write in your diary. Perhaps you Journal? If so, get some thoughts down and link the physical activity or writing with your mental processing. Try to establish what you are looking for in the day ahead: is it a particular accomplishment, or a feeling? Is it to set an example for a coworker? This process can help you to be more compassionate and relaxed as you go about your day. Whatever you choose to do along these lines, make sure you give yourself a few positive messages as you go about this routine.
7 Spend a moment to Connect with others
Get in touch, if only for a few minutes, with someone special in your life. This is something that we don’t do often enough. You don’t need to have an in-depth conversation or revisit difficult issues- the goal is to simply make a connection and exchange a few pleasantries. Maybe a “zoom” visit or a brief series of texts to check in with a loved one and let them know you are thinking of them. The process of doing this will likely give you a good feeling and start the endorphins flowing.
So, all this to say: Have a morning plan. Stick with it and it will become a routine that is valued by yourself and by others in your constellation. You’ll feel better and be better prepared to meet the day.