Truly Customized
Treatment and Intensives

Intensives Work

For those whose timeframes, schedules and resources allow, the Intensive is perhaps the most powerful approach to accomplish desired results faster than traditional methods.  Our intensives are individually designed specific to your issue areas and personal treatment goals, and they can range anywhere from 3 hours to multiple days.  They are conducted either in the office in in conjunction with outside venues or locations.  The precise configuration is a complex mix of multiple factors, including individual preferences, ability to maintain focus, energy level, willingness to dive deep into issue areas, timeframes for expected treatment outcomes and various other factors. 

Multiday, multi-activity intensives tend to be the most sought after among our clients, and these are generally scheduled in Del Mar, Hilo and San Miguel de Allende.  Depending on our joint goals for the intensive, they might include activities interspersed between strictly psychotherapeutic work, such as relaxation, massage, yoga, walking, hiking, artistic expression or other approaches that help you process the work being done by engaging multiple senses and engagement of both hemispheres of the brain. The growth and awareness, learning and realizations that come of such activities can be exponential.  This is why so many choose to explore the intensive as an alternative methodology.  We are consistently told by most that this is a profound experience unlike any they have experienced before.

You have probably heard stories of people saying that after multiple years in therapy they had a breakthrough moment.  Hard work over years can yield such breakthroughs, and if it is taking years to accomplish this, then something is wrong.  Intensive psychotherapy produces breakthrough moments faster and with more clarity.  It allows recognition of behaviors and attitudes, triggers and resources to manage them to become real and actualized so you can more fully understand and manage them on a daily basis.  We enjoy intensive work with our clients because it is remarkably fulfilling – helping you find relief and growth without requiring long term weekly therapy.

To be certain the Intensive process if right for you, we conduct an in-depth assessment.  This process includes exploring and understanding your interests, desires, capabilities and intended outcomes.  The specific issues you seek to address inform the core of the assessment.  This information is used to determine a specific content and process for your intensive.  

Following this preparation, Julieann will design your private Therapeutic Intensive using the most effective modalities that will work for you to deliver a powerful therapeutic experience. No two intensives are ever alike – each Intensive is specific to your needs, goals, and style of learning and processing of feelings.  You will benefit from dynamic and experiential engagement that is pleasant, enjoyable, challenging and restorative.  You are engaged in a passionate and interactive “press and release” approach wherein you are prompted towards self-realization and awareness regarding your specific growth needs.  It’s a remarkable feeling.

Therapies utilized during intensives include but are not limited to, EMDR, CBT, attachment and relational repair, mindfulness, somatic therapies, trauma resilience model, ISTDP approaches, post- Induction-therapy, experiential, and our own model of yoga infused psychotherapy. 

What an Intensive Does for You

Focused therapeutic time without outside distractions, and the competing daily priorities that can creep in during weekly sessions, allows you to really dig deep and understand yourself at a rate and pace that is simply not possible in a traditional 50 minute session.  If you have the capability to work in the intensive process, you can reach your intended milestones much sooner.  You will receive relief from symptoms and discomfort sooner rather than later.  One client who has experienced intensives with us said “I don’t want to wait six months plus to feel better, I want to as soon as possible.”

Intensives are laser-focused on what you want to accomplish. And, it allows for targeted attention to your patterns, habits, unconscious adaptations and defense mechanisms that keep you emotionally immobile. You learn and practice through our relational model to tap into your inherent strength to break through and focus on what you want.  Intensive therapy is a tremendous value because you can get to the root of the problem, or the realization of what exactly is keeping you stuck, faster. 

Our History of Intensive Therapy

Individuals, couple and families have come to us for Therapeutic Intensives for many reasons, and with multiple desired outcomes.  Some couples come because they are entering into a new phase in their relationship, such as engagement or marriage, and they want to explore more deeply how this will affect mutual expectations, intimacy and the future.  Others have sought Intensives to explore their feelings and fears about an impending separation or divorce.  Others, still have sought our Intensives because of deep trauma of spousal betrayal, and they want to understand their role in relation to their spouse’s actions, and they seek to understand more clearly what is holding them back from forgiveness or peace in the relationship. There are others who felt self-isolative and wanted to work out steps to building a new life trajectory that is more open to meaningful social interactions with others.  Others have come to find ways to express their love and appreciation for others, or to recognize in others when love and appreciation is genuinely being offered.  Of course there are many who want Intensives because they wish to find an easing of their emotional pain, anxiety, depression.  And then there are those who are very engaged in some form of transformative work, be it through any number of programs or models outside our practice, and who want to better use those learnings in their relationships at home or on the job.  We have had fathers and sons, mothers and daughters who want to breakthrough a “plateau” in their relationship, to expand trust and compassion for what each is facing in their role.

Lets do this together