28 May Don’t Stop Thinking Negatively
Don’t try to stop thinking negatively (completely)
Instead of trying to stop your negative thoughts, try simply “adding in” thoughts about what you want. Think of having two savings accounts: you have been investing in the “negative thoughts” account so you don’t need to keep building that account up. Now, try building up “the wants” or “what else is true” account.
The other account is still there so don’t worry… you don’t have to do anything with the negative account, but investing in a new account – the “Wants Account” will help you be more balanced and struggle less.
The more we try to “get rid” of negative thoughts, pain and or feelings you don’t want, the more they persist and the more energy you are investing in them.
Here are a few ideas that may help.
Think about what else is true (don’t BS yourself), pick real facts like…
I have gotten through a lot in the past.
This is not life or death, just an inconvenience
What is one thing I can do to suffer a little less right now
What ever we focus on is what our mind will start looking for proof of. We will emotionally seek out that feeling. If we think about how awful we feel then we seek out proof of it! Get the point? We move towards and become what we think about.
Some examples of this are: If you think people don’t like you, even if they do- you’ll make things up to match what you believe.., someone gives you a compliment and instead of being grateful and accepting of it you think “they are just being polite, they feel sorry for me… ” or a variety of other stories your mind will make up to be congruent with your belief. In the end, try thinking more about what you want instead of what you don’t want.