![Betrayal, Grief and Loss](https://centerforhealthychange.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Trust.png)
13 May A Couples Intensive Restores Trust
Have you ever had a true “breakthrough” moment? Working together over time can lead to breakthroughs- those moments of clarity and understanding when things “click.” Feelings that were uncomfortable ease up and a sense of hope ensues that things can be better for “both” partners. Through awareness, training and practice, breakthroughs can come sooner rather than later, and anything that can be done to expedite this experience is worth a closer look.
A key to accomplishing profound breakthroughs is committing the energy and time needed to concentrate with great effort and focus – really digging down into the heart of the matter through extended, guided therapeutic work. Let’s face it, committing to 8-16 hours of intensive therapy over the course of two days offers opportunities to truly address miscommunication, trust, expectations and all the things that either never get said, or perhaps that never get heard. We dive deep and work out strategies and skills that allow couples to make immediate changes that promote healthy and effective relationships. We can repair and restore.
First we conduct an in-depth assessment. This process includes exploring and understanding your interests, desires, capabilities and intended outcomes. The specific issues you seek to address inform the core of the assessment. This information is used to determine a specific content and process for your intensive. Only then will Julieann design your private Therapeutic Intensive. No two intensives are ever alike – each Intensive is specific to your needs, goals, and style of learning and processing of feelings. You will feel results immediately…and it won’t take years either.