Intensives Work!
For those whose timeframes, schedules and resources allow, the Intensive is perhaps the most powerful approach to accomplish desired results faster than traditional methods. Our intensives are individually designed specific to your issue areas and personal treatment goals, and they can range anywhere from 3 hours to multiple days. They are conducted either in the office in in conjunction with outside venues or locations. The precise configuration is a complex mix of multiple factors, including individual preferences, ability to maintain focus, energy level, willingness to dive deep into issue areas, timeframes for expected treatment outcomes and various other factors.
Multiday, multi-activity intensives tend to be the most sought after among our clients, and these are generally scheduled in Del Mar, Hilo and San Miguel de Allende. Depending on our joint goals for the intensive, they might include activities interspersed between strictly psychotherapeutic work, such as relaxation, massage, yoga, walking, hiking, artistic expression or other approaches that help you process the work being done by engaging multiple senses and engagement of both hemispheres of the brain. The growth and awareness, learning and realizations that come of such activities can be exponential. This is why so many choose to explore the intensive as an alternative methodology. We are consistently told by most that this is a profound experience unlike any they have experienced before.