Is your Inner Child Behind the Curtain?

The Key Behaviors that are tell tale:

It could be that you try a great deal to be a People Pleaser and spend a great deal of time doing so?

It could be you abuse alcohol or other substances regularly

It could be that you are prone to snap or lash out, thus causing others to become upset

It could be that you stay away from people or avoid social settings

Think back to your childhood and ask yourself if you remember who you were, how you interacted and how you spent your time. Think about if any special conditions were required of you from you parents or caregivers that were necessary before they shared their love? What “hurt” do you remember? Did you feel encouraged and safe, cared for and loved?

These are the kinds of questions can provide clues as to whether or not you carry with you old beliefs to this day.. Uncovering these beliefs and reassessing them is critically important to us all to be true and “freed” adults