Julieann Myers
Instead of telling you about all of my extensive training and certifications, here’s the “about me” that really matters.
From the time I was a child I have been accused of being industrious, creative and inquisitive. It was important to understand everything, and this would be quite annoying to my parents and siblings – always with “why” questions about life, and why people behave the way they do. So many things didn’t make sense to me or were confusing, and I yearned to understand the human predicament.
I have struggled with many of the same issues that you might be facing – grief and loss, betrayal, impact of addiction, relational trauma, depression, and anxiety. Through many years of my own therapy, life challenges and education, I have found a way to make sense of people and a world that often doesn’t make sense. With this understanding and a lot of education and a host of practical tools, it has become possible to really enjoy life, relationships and my career. I know first-hand the power of healing, and for three decades, what I have seen and experienced along the way has both softened and toughened me. Today, this background guides my work with you.
This learning is never lost on me: “through great crisis comes great growth, or more crisis, it’s our choice.”